Thanks Samuel for this splendid essay about Frankl. I am always inspired by your writing. Pleased to become a new subscriber after reading your essay about Shelby Steele in Quillette.

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My pleasure, Winkfield! Thank you so much for being here.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Samuel Kronen

Thanks Samuel for a great article which I did read in full. I also read "Man's Search for Meaning" some years ago and found it inspiring. Frankl was an amazing person. I hope that you are finding some meaning in your writing, which is I am sure helping others.

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Thanks so much, David. I hope it is helpful to others but it's certainly helpful to me.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Samuel Kronen

Thank you for this Samuel. I have added Man’s Search for Meaning as the next book on my list! I hope you are feeling well today. Lots of love, Elizabeth

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I love and appreciate all that you write.

I find great worth in your words.

I also LOVE Viktor Frankl; who gives us continual HOPE in our lives.

I have suffered from Chronic Fatigue since 1995, but most don't even know.

I just went from being what I called a 300 mile an hour person, to a 100 mile an hour person!!!

I still raised 5 sons + one bonus son, and had an amazing husband, who knew that I was able to do almost anything, as long as I chose wisely and made sure I had enough SLEEP!

He supported me w/o taking away my agency.

He died about 14 months ago, but I always hear his words in my head, which help me move forward in JOY no matter what!!!

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Kayleen, thank you so much for sharing and I'm so sorry for your loss and for your struggles with health. Amazing what you were able to do despite your limitations. Joy, hope and tenderness to you.

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Thanks Samuel...I wish you the same in your journey!

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